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  1. More About Flowers
  2. Watch All About My Planters This Year

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Growing up, my mom always planted her own pots. In fact, she even started all her geraniums from cuttings – I have to give her kudos for this! For many, this seems odd because nowadays, you simply can go to a big box store and find numerous planters all potted up and ready to go. As with just about everything else in my life (ha!), I have a need to be more original. But I also happen to love to save agave and succulents to use as showpieces around The Farm. It’s like I’m almost a glutton for work! While it takes some work to keep these agaves over winter, I think it’s definitely worth it.

Personally, I strive for eye-catching textures interspersed with a few annuals for added interest. Planters you pot yourself don’t always have instant satisfaction, but in the long term, they are worth it. When everyone else’s planters are spent and over, yours will still be lush and beautiful! I hope this inspires you to plant your own!

More About Flowers

Watch All About My Planters This Year

YouTube video
Large agave in a black cast iron urn with white sided house in the background.
Large agave in a black cast iron urn with greenery grown all around the base after being freshly planted.
Concrete urn in a flowerbed filled with spiky red plant and small flowers with allium bulbs blooming all around.
Concrete planter filled with flowering spiky red plant with smaller muted flowers around the base filled with soil.
Concrete urn filled with a single agave sitting on a wall with green grass expanding into the background.
Large metal urn in silver set on a pedestal in the middle of a yard with an agave planted in the soil.
Two urns spaced apart planted with agave with a statue in between all in a yard with fields beyond.
Terra cotta colored urns planted with agave with small plantings around the base sitting on grass in a yard with white furniture behind along with boxwoods.
Terra cotta urn with spiky agave planted in the center with small drought-tolerant plants all around.
Concrete urn sitting in grass in a yard with green-colored small plants planted in the middle before really growing for the summer season.
Concrete urn planted with all green colored plants with larger ones in the center and smaller ones placed all around.
Concrete urn planted with dusty colored and green colored small plants with soil about to grow for the summer season.

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I’m Kaleb! I'm not a chef, professional baker, landscaper, or designer, but I like to play each on Knollgate Farm. Come join me on my journey and let's learn together!

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  1. Great video. Entertaining as always, Kaleb. Everything will look cool when grown in. I use tons of succulents in my wedding and party business here in California, still very popular.