Whether it’s the sources for my first and second floor renovation, my favorite kitchen supplies, the cookbook I can’t put down, a tool to use the garden, or just anything else I love, these are all of my favorites!
Favorite kitchen accessories
Garden accessories
Canning supplies
Farmhouse renovation sources
I’m frequently asked the source for my wall colors, cabinets, floors, etc. from my farmhouse renovation. Here is a conclusive list of everything used in my renovation!
House of Antique Hardware
Large Cast Brass Cupboard Latch with Oval Turn Piece
from House of Antique Hardware
House of Antique Hardware
Solid Brass Horizontal Rim Lock Set with Small Round Knobs
from House of Antique Hardware
House of Antique Hardware
Traditional Single GFI Cover Plate In Forged Brass
from House of Antique Hardware
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House of Antique Hardware
Large Cast Brass Cupboard Latch with Oval Turn Piece
from House of Antique Hardware