Table of Contents
  1. More Christmas Decorating
  2. Watch how to make these outdoor Christmas urns.

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We spend so much time decorating our homes for the seasons, but taking the decor outdoors can be more of a challenge. During the summer months, creating beautiful urns and planters is a must for me and makes for easy decor. But Christmas and winter pose more of a challenge. Empty urns are too uninviting. To welcome guests (and please myself), I decided to dress up my lonely pots with fresh-cut greens from The Farm. If you are not close to the plentiful countryside as I am here in Iowa, local garden stores stock cut greens during this season. Cut or find a variety of greens; what is native will be the easiest to use and most economical. I used cedar and juniper (the blue berries smell fantastic!) with a few boughs of spruce and pine to finish the urns. For a center focal point, red dogwood twigs provide a festive finale.

Watch the video to see my steps so you, too, can create simple outdoor Christmas arrangements!

More Christmas Decorating

Watch how to make these outdoor Christmas urns.

YouTube video
Snow-covered greenery branches and red ornament in an outdoor Christmas urn with branches piled around as well.

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I’m Kaleb! I'm not a chef, professional baker, landscaper, or designer, but I like to play each on Knollgate Farm. Come join me on my journey and let's learn together!

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  1. Great video! I love using my large planters at Christmas time for decorating outside and, I leave them in place for several months because the cold usually keeps them looking fresh. I also enjoy using dried blooms from ornamental grasses and hydrangeas in my planters in addition to the greens.

    The large ornaments you put in add a nice, bright touch to the arrangement. Thanks for the idea.