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  1. Watch how to make these fall luminaries.

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Is there anything more welcoming when trick-or-treaters arrive than cozy candles to greet them? These orange outdoor fall luminaries are a great craft to do right before the Halloween holiday as a way to welcome any guest. With any number of shapes, a beautiful orange glow, and an easy process, these luminaries will awe anyone!

As the weather gives way to earlier sunsets, lighting walkways and porch steps with candles is the perfect way to welcome guests and give an instant cozy appeal. Carved pumpkins are the perfect spot for the candles, but they sadly can’t last all season. Usually, lanterns are my go-to choice, but to switch things up this year, I made a few quick and festive luminaries using vellum bags. Vellum is a wax-like bag that can withstand some of the fall weather elements and is thin enough to let light through, so it’s perfect for this project. Leaves are my choice for a luminary. They can be out all autumn long and are classically simple.

Watch how to make these fall luminaries.

YouTube video

Using whatever color vellum bag you love, free-hand draw or trace a leaf from your yard on the front of the bag. Place a heavy piece of craft paper or cardboard inside the bag behind the tracing and use an X-Acto or craft knife to cut the outline of the drawing. Cut a piece of opaque vellum paper to fit behind the cutout and glue it inside to create a “window.” Fill the bag with beans or sand to weigh it down, and use a battery-operated candle to illuminate it (so that you don’t have to worry about burning the bag!). Enjoy all season long!

Orange bags with shapes cut in the front with candle illuminating the inside of each luminary.

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I’m Kaleb! I'm not a chef, professional baker, landscaper, or designer, but I like to play each on Knollgate Farm. Come join me on my journey and let's learn together!

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  1. Hi, I was just in your neck of woods- Burlington,Iowa- I tried to imagine which farm house is yours by Mt. Pleasant… I wish you had a little store that one could stop at!!! Like The magnolia in Texas…. Lol! I do love your FB decorating,collection postings and all your cooking- baking posts!!! You are amazing- hope to meet you some day!!!

  2. I love watching your posts. You have such great ideas and recipes. You are such a hard worker and I wish I had your energy!